Carlos Espin

A Universal Codec


Circumstances have forced me to spend a lot of time with myself. I’ve joked multiple times about “listening to the voices” yet it isn’t that much of a joke. Hence, “we” have opinions.

I am a technology architect. An architect takes everything into consideration in order to design and suggest. And this exercise leaves the architect with mental models, a way of thinking and a mindset.

I see my craft in my life, every day: it’s everywhere. This compilation of thoughts are not about technology, yet they’re heavily influenced by it since that’s the information I consume the most. I didn’t write them down particularly for anybody. I wrote them down for myself, but I’d happily discuss them with you.

I would call this a public personal diary. My life compass. An attempt to explain myself the order of things. A decoder that the journey through my profession has left me with. A universal codec.

February 2024